Welcome to Flicksville United Church of Christ

Sunday Worship Celebration
10:45 AM
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Sunday Worship Celebration
10:45 AM
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Adult Bible Study Sunday at 9:30 AM
ALL welcome
Fellowship Hour 2nd Sunday each month
10:15 AM
No Matter Who You Are Or Where You Are On Life's Journey
You Are Welcome Here
You are welcome here! Visitors often comment how warm and welcoming our congregation is and you will find that people are friendly and delighted to see you. That being said, we know that visiting a new place can be stressful for some people.
The Church in Flicksville - In 1849, four congregations joined resources to obtain land and construct a house of worship. On March 10, 1849 one and one-half acres of land were deeded to the trustees of the congregation (Lutheran, Reformed, Presbyterian and Mennonite). By 1890 the Mennonite and Presbyterian congregations had withdrawn from the partnership leaving the Reformed and Lutherans.
On March 22, 1970, after more than 120 years of co-existence in the same building, the two Flicksville congregations merged to become, what is still today, the Flicksville United Church of Christ.
Worship is at the heart of our life. Each Sunday when we gather we come just as we are and immerse oursleves once more into our sacred story.
Far from being a gathering of the perfect, we come to encounter the living God who knows us through and through and whose love embraces and transforms us.
Each week we gather to tell our story by recalling the paths of our ancestors in faith, those imperfect women and men who became shining lights down through the generations. We also come to tell the story of Jesus and to realize once again what it means to follow in the way he laid out.
We also come to support one another, to pray for one another, and to rejoice with one another.
Come, join us!
As followers of Jesus we are constantly being formed. From our very earliest days to the day we die we are on a path that opens us up to new ideas, possibilities, and plans, and invites us to a life of transformed and transforming love.
We at Flicksville UCC, sense the importance of life-long learning as we look to grow into the future. At every stage of life there are opportunities to engage with the Bible, with our faith, and with our work in the world.
Throughout the year there are offerings for children, youth, and adults as well as multi-generational experiences, which draw us deeper to what it means to live as God's people in the world today.
The confirmation process begins in September of the year and finishes on Pentecost Sunday, usually the end of May or early June. The process is open to any 7th or 8th grader who would like to explore their faith more deeply and who are interested in adult membership within the congregation. Regardless of whether a young person decides to enter into formal membership they are welcome to journey along with others to explore their faith.
Confirmation is a process that engages a young person in specific areas of faith formation: the Bible, what it means to "believe", being of service to others, and exploring the Christian faith, are among the topics for discussion. After a year-long series of meetings and projects each confirmand can decide whether to formally join the congregation as an adult member.
Children are not only our future, they are also our present. As a congregation that values our children we strive to provide the best experences for them--experiences that will encourage their faith, their sense of belonging, and their confidence in the God who loves them without limit or condition.
Sunday Worship Celebration is at 10:45 AM
1337 Lower South Main Street, Bangor, Pennsylvania 18013, United States
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